Friday, April 17, 2009

Pardon my verbose English

Ever hear the term "Pardon my French?" I think we credit them too much - they didn't invent that much. Heck, French mainly came from Latin. Why not "pardon my Latin?" Or "pardon my German." Oh freak, I just posed a problem to myself. Now I have to go find the roots of all the crass and vulgar words.

I'm drawing into the last nine minutes of this class period, and since I do not seem to do very much work while I'm at school, I decided to post a blog. I miss these things.

Clearly I'm not a stereotypical Vietnamese. I know absolutely nothing about nails. And no one in my family (who I know) runs a nail shop. So my friend was doing my nails yesterday, and he asked me if I liked them round or square. What kind of a question is that? I like my nails however they are. I've never met anyone with particularly round or square nails. Maybe oblong. Yeah. That's what I like. Oblong. Or whatever they call it in Trigonometry. An ellipsis? So my friend is painting my nails, and he goes from my right hand to my left hand. Two minutes later (or probably less) I decide that he needs to redo my right hand. He takes a look and remarks that I have one of the worst records ever. People usually only screw up one nail, but I managed to screw up three. I guess that means I don't qualify for being a stereotypical girl either.

Speaking of being a girl... I was talking to two other friends earlier. One friend mentioned a lie, so I told him his life is a lie. He asked, "What if YOUR life is a lie?". Wittily, I answer, "It is." My other friend looks at me strangely, questioning, "So you're not a girl?". I shrug, and say in response, "Secretly, I'm African-American." So do me a favor. Next time you see me, DON'T make fun of my dancing skills.

I got a detention. For not wearing my school I.D. It was so random and inconsistent. The campus supervisors just choose random kids, and while they write out one detention, ten other kids without their I.D.'s on walk by. It was the ONE day I forgot my I.D. (I had taken it out of my backpack for a field trip). So guess what my detention was? Sitting in a boring room for twenty minutes during my lunch hour, talking to my friend about how the stupid No Child Left Behind Act is actually making thousands of gifted kids left behind. Ha, standardize education -_-;; Bell curves should always exist. Whether they want to shift the bell curve up higher on the axis is not a big deal, but causing the bell curve to narrow does not work. This is why colleges say kids are not unprepared. Because kids who originally would not be attending four-year universities are attempting to. And because kids who can are being held back, so they are not adequately prepared when they reach college.

This morning I was eating breakfast during Calculus (how does the shape of a muffin top represent a parabola? Is taking the derivative of a muffin top in relation to time going to tell you the velocity of the muffin? The answer is no.) Anyways. My friend turns around and asks me what I'm eating, and I say, "A lemon blueberry muffin." She remarks, "I hate how you don't gain weight." The person sitting next to her then proceeds to ask me, "Is that Asian?" Uhm, no, muffins are not Asian. I tell him blueberries don't naturally exist in Vietnam. Or Asia as far as I know. Then we try to explain to him how blueberries grow in more temperate climates. Like Austria. And he asks, "Austria is tropical?" Uhm, again, no. XD

By the way, I still have yet to discover whether it's Santa Claus or Santa Clause. Father Christmas for now.

I want a burger. Good Times burger. Or Red Robin.

BTW, CPK got rid of their roast duck pizza. I'm mad. Grrrr. See my angry face?

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