Monday, April 13, 2009


I've come to accept the fact that I'm an overly pessimistic and cynical person. I've always known it, I just tried to deny it because I love myself too much. I guess that makes me narcissistic too. Oh well =)

Just kidding.

So my goal now is to change myself throughout college. I don't know how, but I hope I find some way of doing so without over-inflating me ego. Andrew said he'll keep me in check. And my godmother. I'll hold them to it. Of course, this new goal does not take precedent over my pre-existing goals, namely to play hide-n-go-seek in Ikea. And traveling the world. Nothing takes precedent over traveling the world, not in my book. What a funny phrase that is. "My book." Do we all really have a book? Sure, we have these lovely things called blogs. Some people (my former, middle school self) even keep diaries and journals. But who out there is really chronicling our lives to see if we live up to words, every time we say "(not) in my book"? God I suppose. Or maybe Santa Claus. (Claus, clause? What is he the clause of?)

People are disgusting. And weird. Demented shall we say? Let me link you: Seriously, who comes up with crazy ideas like that? Or gross ideas.

Anyways. To get to the point, I'm just procrastinating in school right now. I guess that means that all my previous statements were tangential or irrelevant. I'm stoked for college. MLR (my life rocks).

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